Sunday, 1 May 2011

2-Up Time Trial

The last couple of weeks have been about the Hinckley CRC 2-Up Team Time Trial.
After a little persuading I entered with Richard Gamble. Rich is a couple of minutes faster tham me on the regular Tuesday night 10, and has entered more 25s than me, so is quite a lot stronger. Despite that he was happy to ride as a pair, and drag me around the course.

A test ride at the Tuesday 10 gave us a 26 minute dead. Frustrating not to be a 25:59, especially after getting stopped by traffic at the turn. This is the fastest I've been on the 10 course, so a good start. (Rich has ridden 23:58 on this course). Another practise on the following Thursday (a couple of laps of the 25 course) gave us some idea of where we would be stronger, and where I would struggle. Rich went away to devise tactics.

Race day.
Pup's Cup the day before had left my knees in a bit of a state, and nerves had kept me awake, so I had to drag myself out of bed on Sunday morning to get there for the 8am sign on. I was not feeling confident, but I do love a bit of team spirit, so got on with it. The race went well. I was feeling good on the first lap and think we worked well together.The second lap showed my lack of training miles and I struggled at about 18miles into the gusty wind. The last leg up the A5, up and down the hills, slowed me quite a lot, but once off the A5 and heading back to the start I managed to push it again, with a bit of encouragement from Rich. Crossing the line in a time of  1:06:58.

At the time I was annopyed with myself for not doing-my-bit on the second lap, but looking back, I am quite pleased with the time. We were beaten by our closed rivals (well done Billo and Belly!) but they didn't catch us on the road. Being realitic and looking at previous form, it would have been difficult to beat them.

Having been the weak partner in this one, has spured me on to push harder. It would be nice to do it again with Rich and I on similar levels just to take an even turn on the front and push all the way (not going to happen - he is always going to be stronger.)

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