Monday, 16 May 2011

Training Continues - 56 Days to go

Training has been a bit better over the last couple of weeks. Not perfect, and never quite as much as I hope, but getting back on track. The chaos of bank holidays and royal weddings didn't help.

Weekend rides are now pushing up to 50miles. A club run with Kelvin, Ralph, Joules and Marc gave about 35miles, then pushed on to Mum's in Leicester to make a 50 mile morning. The new bike shakedown totalled 35ish, but it was cold and wet, and the crank fell off. This weekend's outings of 55 (very windy) and then 45 with the club were more like it. The "Club Run" was a bit quicker than I really wanted, and a couple of miles pushing 30mph killed me off (then I got stuch behind a van in Mallory, so seeing a chance to escape, I let them go while I peeled off and trundled home), disapointed not to be able to keep up in the later stages, but it was a really good workout. Legs ached in the moring !

Add in a couple of Turbo sessions during the week, and it is looking OK.

Could do with a going a bit further this month. With only about 8 weeks to go I've got to put some work in. The calendar is looking busy though.

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