Thursday 19 May 2011

Another of the many blogs

It is not just me that is geeky enough to have a blog of their thoughts on this Etape stuff. Recently found Mr. Patterson Goes to Languedoc . A very nice read from someone experiencing much the same as me:

Good Luck Gerry, see you at the top !


  1. Tim, thanks for searching me out. I'm going to start taking a look at your training tonight and see if I can glean any pointers...every little bit will help for what we have gotten ourselves into, I'm sure.

  2. To be honest, my training has been a bit hit-and-miss. I love the science and theory of it all, but struggle to put it into action.
    In general I've taken the theories from Chris Carmichael's Time Crunched Cyclist book. Can be a bit evangelical at times, but I quite like it.
